Through April 2 Orchid Show, Washington DC
Orchids in an Art Deco Garden, US Botanic Garden
Feb 4 Garden Design Symposium, Richmond, VA
"Romancing the Site" Horticulture Magazine's annual symposium featuring Sheila Brady of Oehme, Van Sweden & Associates; Rosemary Alexander of the English Gardening School, author Page Dickey & others.
FEB 4-12 Home & Garden Show, Cleveland, OH
"Holland in Bloom: A Dutch Masterpiece,"International Exposition Center 800-600-0307
FEB 8-12 Northwest Flower & Garden Show, Seattle
Washington State Convention Center W-Sa 9-9; Su 9-6
FEB 8-12 Southeastern Flower Show, Atlanta, GA
"The Italian Experience" GA World Congress Center Wed-Sat 8AM-10PM Sun 10-6
FEB 9 Green Roofs Symposium, Oakland, CA
Symposium 8:30AM-5PM Laney College on basic principles & benefits of green roofs (Jennifer Sprout (416) 971-4494)
FEB 9-12 Maymont Flower & Garden Show, Richmond, VA
"Table for Two," Greater Richmond Convention Center, Th-Sa 9-8; Su 9-4
FEB 11-18 "The Color Rich Garden" Symposium, MI, WI, MA, IN,DE
Horticulture Magazine symposium featuring Irish designer & author Helen Dillon, author Rob Proctor, Nan Blake Sinton of the magazine & others.
Feb 11 Cranbrook Gardens Auxiliary, Troy MI
Feb 12 Mass. Horticulture Society, Wellesley, MA
Feb 15 Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, WI
Feb 16 Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Feb 18 Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE
FEB 13, Gardens Under Glass Lecture, NY, NY
6:30PM, NY Historical Society, Therese O'Malley, president of the Society of Architectural Historians will speak on "A Natural History of Glasshouses" (718) 817-8747
FEB 16 Land Ethics Symposium, Langhorne, PA
"Creative Approaches for Ecological Landscaping" sponsor: Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve 8AM-3:45PM (215) 862-2924
FEB 16, Garden Design Lecture, Wellesley, MA
"Outside the Not So Big House: Creating the Landscape of Home", Lecture, 7:45PM, MassBay Community College; Landscape Architect & author Julie Moir Messervy; sponsor: New England Wildflower Society
FEB 16-19 New Jersey Flower & Garden Show , Edison, NJ
"Flowers Near & Far" NJ Convention Center, Th 11-9, F-Sa 10-9, Su 10-6
FEB 17-20 Spring Flower & Garden Show , Providence RI
"A Floral Symphony," Rhode Island Convention Center
FEB 20-24 Healthcare Garden Design, Chicago, IL
4.5-day symposium, Chicago Botanic Garden (847-835-8292) Part Two of the Program to be held in October
FEB 22-26 Portland Home & Garden Show Portland OR
Expo,W-Th 11-9; F,Sa, 10-9; Su 10-6
FEB 23-26 Camellia Festival La Canada, Flintridge, CA
Annual Camellia Festival, Descanso Gardens
FEB 24 Rain Gardens Symposium, Wheaton, MD
"Green Matters: After the Rain," 8:30-4PM, Brookside Gardens (301) 962-1470
FEB 24-26 National Floriculture Forum, Grand Rapids, MI
Amway Grand Plaza, Sponsored by Michigan State University
FEB 26-March 3 Invasive Weeds Week, Washington DC
7th Annual National Invasive Weeds Awareness Week Exhibits at US Botanic Garden, Briefings with federal officials, meetings with members of Congress, etc. (951) 279-7787