Through Oct 15 Sculpture Exhibit, Framingham, MA
Garden in the Woods, Rock On! Exhibit (508) 877-7630
Oct 1-Feb 15, 2007 Asian Gardens of the 1920's, Northampton, MA
Exhibition on the Travels of Elizabeth K. Roys, Lyman Plant House (413) 585-2740
October 6-9 American Society Landscape Architects (ASLA) Annual Conference Minneapolis, MN
Oct 6-7 Fall Plant Sale, Memphis TN
Memphis Botanic Garden (901) 685-1566
Oct 6-8 Garden Tour, 10 Private Gardens, Wilmington NC
4th Annual Art in the Garden Tour (910-798-7670)
OCT 7 Native Perennials in the Landscape, Bronx, NY
Lecture by Larry Weaner, NYBG, 10AM-2:30PM (718) 817-8747
OCT 7-8 Orchid Festival, San Francisco, CA.
10AM-5PM, Golden Gate Park, SF Orchid Society's 5th annual festival (415) 665-2468
Oct 7-8 Grand Opening Carl Totemeier Hort Center, Fayetteville, AK
Open House & Symposium Botanical Garden of the Ozarks (479) 443-6638
Oct 7-9 Silent Auction at ASLA Conference
2nd annual auction of sketches, paintings, watercolors photos & other artworks created by notable landscape architects. Money goes to The Cultural Landscape Foundation.
Oct 9 Staghorn Ferns, Del Mar, CA.
6-9PM Mtg & lecture, San Diego Hort Society, Surfside Race Place, Del Mar Fairgrounds
Oct 10 Sustainable Plantings, Boylston, MA
7:30PM, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Lecture by author Noel Kingsbury (508) 869-6111 x 24
OCT 10-13 Eastern Native Grasses, New Cumberland, PA
Symposium. Field trips, lectures, workshops. (717) 237-2219
OCT 10, 16, 23, 30 Landscape Design Portfolio, Bronx, NY
NYBG. Landscape architects discuss their working methods and design philosophies, 6:30-7:30PM. Oct 10: Peter Wirtz; Oct 16 Edmund Hollander; Oct 23: Achva Benzinberg Stein; Oct 30: Morgan Dix Wheelock (718-817-8747)
OCT 14 HERB DAY, Washington DC
US Botanic Garden various events:
Oct 13 10AM Lecture,The Amazon Food Farmacy, world-renowned herbalist Jim Duke; 2PM Medicinal Plants with Bevin Clare of the Tai Sophia Institute; 3PM Pros & Cons of Herbs, Robin DiPasquale of Bastyr Univ in Seattle; Oct 14: All-Day Festibal
Oct 15-17 Urban Environmental Issues, Philadelphia PA
Symposium, Univ of PA sponsored by PA Hort Society (215) 988-8772
Scott Arboretum 8AM-5PM (610-328-8025) Page Dickey, Fred Case, Denise Wiles Adams, John Friel, Dan Pearson & more.
Oct 20 Urban Ecology & the Chicago Wilderness, Glencoe, IL
Symposium, 9AM-4:30PM, Chicago Botanic Garden (847-835-8261)
Oct 21 Garden Conservancy Garden Tours, Austin TX
Seven gardens on display (845) 265-5384
NOV 2, 2006 Conference Gardens in Graveyards, Alexandria, VA.
NOV 6-10 Aqua Show , Las Vegas NV
Nov 15-17 Greenbuild, Denver, CO
International Conference & Expo, CO Convention Center
Nov 28-Dec 1 Pool & Spa Expo / Backyard Living Expo, Las Vegas, NV