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Doug Green

I think PW has ignore a lot of smaller publishers in their stats but.. the overall point is well taken. As a former "dead tree" author, I watch the shelf space given to gardening and a few other title areas in local chain bookstores. These folks are the major book retailers in our area and shelf space for gardening has been steadily decreasing over the past three years. Instead of occupying 6 racks, it is now down to 2. The books on the racks tend to be from the "celebrity" side of things - i.e. Martha Does Gardens kind of book, the Readers Digest brands, the Dummies series or some "local" types that are simply retitled for each region - "(insert name of local tv author)Annuals for the (insert name of region)" books.

My .02 is that consumer interest is still there but the Net has simply replaced books as the source of specific information.


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