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Jane Berger

Thanks, Rick, for the kind comment about the site. I truly appreciate all of my readers, and your site, too, is very enlightening.

Rick Anderson

Congratulations, I've been reading you Blog for quite awhile.

Interesting to note they they have picked some Blogs that are hard to subscribe or unable to subscribe to. Plus the "Rant" which rants about what magazines like Garden Design stand for.

As always keep up the good work.

Leeann Lavin

Thank you so much for noting the Grammercy Garden & Antique Show. However, the date for Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Preview Party is incorrect. The Preview party takes place Thursday, March 8th from 6-9 pm -- the night before the show. Those who attend the Preview event will be able to purchase items before the show opens. This is funraising event -- to benefit Brooklyn Botanic Garden, tickets available at The show this year features special presentations.

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