Garden Design March
- Read about the creative roof deck that doubles as a work of art to be viewed from inside the house. Created by Blasen Landscape Architecture.
- Learn about 100 hot new plants, some of which were featured earlier on this blog.
- Travel to the eastern shore of Maryland for the renovation of Wye House, where the 18th century orangery is the oldest in America.
- Remind yourself that Garden Design Online is featured on page 20.
Fine Gardening March-April
- Great ideas for combos with plants of variegated foliage -- but if you live in the mid-Atlantic or Southeast, choose a different variety of Panicum than 'Dallas Blues,' which is susceptible to rust.
- Pros and Cons of different paving materials, but some of them would undoubtedly look pretty chintzy. Allocate your garden budget to a few high-end materials. You'll never regret it, and you can add plants in phases.
- Good article by author Stephanie Cohen on new perennials.
Horticulture Spring Planting Issue
- Plant favorites, some new, from plant experts, some featured earlier on this blog.
- Lily of the Valley & relatives, including mayflowers and Solomon's plumes, by C. Colston Burrell
- A new type of public garden in Enkoping,Sweden.
- The long-lasting flowers of Phygelius
If for no other reason, get hold of this magazine to read the article on the endangered Japanese garden, Tenshin-en, by the Japanese master Kinsaku Nakane, at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. And then write a letter to them about the importance of saving it.