Horticulture May 07
I have to admit -- the one thing I really hate about Horticulture's current format is the regional editions. I get the Mid-Atlantic edition -- but I also garden in Massachusetts. And I'm interested in gardening in other parts of the country. So I really resent the fact that I can no longer read about plants and goings-on in other parts of the country. After all, we all take vacations and might like to know the latest about gardens and gardeners in other locations.
And -- the Osmocote insert that was glued into the article on wood ferns ripped out part of the page when I tried to remove it so I could read the story! But:
- Read about Rocky Hills, a 13-acre classic "spring" garden in Westchester County, NY that is soon going public. Open to visitors this year on May 6th and 26th as part of the Garden Conservancy's Open Days program.
- All you need to know about wood ferns by C. Colston Burrell
- Amy Goldman's traditional herb garden - the photos tell you how to do it.
- Read how one designer created a back yard with everything -- pool, dining area, separate seating areas and plantings -- in almost no room at all.
- Plan a visit to Yew Dell Gardens near Lexington, KY, private home & commercial nursery of renowed plantsman Theodore Klein. Now open to the public, the garden is still undergoing restoration, but well worth a visit.
- Take a look at all the contemporary and sustainable furniture that's now available for your mod outdoor space.
Readers who are into plants may want to know about:
- Plants to brighten damp shade
- Top 10 bearded irises (but they last such a short time!)
- Pruning hydrangeas
- Winning container designs (Some great combos, but wow, is this ever subjective!)