Through April 13, Orchid Show, Washington DC
US Botanic Garden
April 2, Designing Your City Garden, Bronx, NY
10:30AM-12noon, Lecture, Linda Yang, NY Botanical Garden, Watson Bldg 718-817-8747
April 3, "12th Century Gardens at the Crossroads of Cultures," Washington DC
5:30PM, Lecture by William Tronzo, Dumbarton Oaks Music Room
April 5, Northern Gardening Symposium , Randolph Center, VT
9AM-2PM, VT Technical College, lectures by 3 native plant experts on best options for the northern garden 508-877-7630
April 9, "Green & Sustainable- What's Our Responsibility" Kennett Square, PA
7PM, Lecture, Longwood Gardens, Heather Venhous of Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 610-388-1000 ext 559
April 9, Art of Japanese Gardens, Somerville, MA
7-9 PM, Lecture by Lynette Tsiang, Somerville Garden Club, 167 Holland St, 2nd Floor, (617) 320-2801
April 10, "Sustaining Places we Value in the 21st century, Kingston, RI
7PM, Lecture by Patricia O'Donnell, Principal, Heritage Landscapes Landscapes, Charlotte, VT 401- 874-2983
April 12-13 Spring Garden Tour, Chapel Hill, NC
10 private gardens, self-guided tour 919-962-0522
April 15, "Gardening with Drought," Atlanta, GA
7:30 PM, Lecture, Jim Harrington, McElreath Hall, Atlanta History Center 404-636-1119
April 17 "Climate Change, Tibetan Alpine Plants & People," St. Louis, MO
6:30 - 9 PM Lecture, Spink Pavilion, Missouri Botanical Garden.(314) 289-4424
April 17-19 Trillium Symposium, Wilmington, DE
Lectures by top trillium experts, garden tours and more
April 18-20 Antiques & Garden Fair, Glencoe, IL
Chicago Botanic Garden, 100+ Exhibits, Demos, & More 847-835-8326
April 19-27 75th Historic Garden Week Virginia
Various locations around the state (804) 644-7776
April 19-27 Cincinnati Flower Show, Cincinnati, OH
"Wonders of the World" 19th Annual Show
April 20, "Eco-Elegance: 21st Century Gardening Style," Boylston, MA1-2:30 PM, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Lecture by landscape architect Priscilla Randall 508- 869 6111
April 21 "America’s Public Oasis: US National Arboretum in the 21st Century," Washington DC
6:30-8PM, Lecture, National Building Museum,USNA Director Thomas Elias & landscape architect Faye Harwell (202) 272-2448
April 24-25 Boxwood Symposium, Charlotte, NC
Annual Meeting, American Boxwood Society
April 24-28 National Garden Clubs Convention, Memphis, TN
Garden Tours, Meetings, Workshops, & More. 314-776-7574
April 25-June 15 "Darwin's Garden: An Evolutionary Adventure, Bronx, NY
NY Botanical Garden, Special Exhibition focusing on Darwin's work with plants; many special lectures throughout the show 718-817-8747
April 26, Kitchen Garden Symposium, Boothbay, ME
8:30AM-4PM, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, 508-877-7630
April 26, Eco-Friendly Gardening Program, Bronx, NY
10AM-4:45PM,, NY Botanical Garden, Watson Building 718-817-8747
April 26, Partners in Evolution Symposium, Washington DC
8:30AM-5PM, National Museum of Natural History, program focus on interaction between plants & animals
April 26-27, Antique Garden Furniture Show & Sale, Bronx, NY
NY Botanical Garden, 16th Annual Show, 30+ Exhibitors 718-817-8777
April 29-May2 Garden Sculpture Workshop, Washington DC
9AM-4:30PM US Botanic Garden, workshop with DJ Garrity, Sculptor 202-225-1116
May Lookahead:
May 4-7, 62nd Garden Symposium, Williamsburg, VA(800) 603-0948
May 20-24 Chelsea Flower Show, London, UK
Royal Hospital, Chelsea