Horticulture Oct Nov 08
- Mary Stambaugh's 37 year battle to do away with the lawn at her 26 acre CT property
- Woodland lilies and fairybells for spring
- Great companion plants for bulbs
Fine Gardening Dec 08
- Landscape architect Raymond Jungles explains how to design with light and shade
- Great trees for narrow spaces
- Fine-textured plants that add space to gardens with wispy blooms, small leaves, seedpods and thin foliage -- and lists of those that will work in various regions of the United States
- AND -- an extra bonus: a free 2009 calendar
Sunset Oct 08
- A solution for gardening on slopes.
- No-mow lawns for western regions using fine fescue, buffalo grass or blue grama. More info here.
- A deck with enough room for dining, plus a railing and a covered roof that provides protection from the elements while allowing open-air views to the yard beyond.
This Old House Oct 08
- Author Valerie Easton profiles the all-sustainable Seattle garden of landscape designer Jennifer Carlson, complete with ring-neck doves, rabbits, a quail, three hens, permeable paving on the patio, a composting "fence," plus loads of edibles, herbs, and native plants.