OK, I admit it ... I still re-read some of my old Heronswood catalogues because well, there was simply nothing else like them. Things have never been the same since Dan Hinkley, who started Heronswood, sold the nursery in Kingston, WA back in 2000. The buyer, Burpee, eventually closed it and moved the catalogue operations to Pennsylvania.(Read that sad story here).
But now, Hinkley -- horticulturist, author, and one of this era's great plant explorers -- is sort of back in business in a new partnership with Monrovia. This summer, Monrovia releases the first seven plants in its new Dan Hinkley collection, including this spectacular fuchsia -- Fuchsia genii 'Aurea' -- which is not only frost-hardy (Zone 7-9), but has chartreuse-colored foliage on red stems! and deep reddish-purple flowers.
Monrovia is working with Hinkley to bring his new discoveries into production and get them out to the public. The director of the nursery's New Plants Team, Nicholas Staddon said Monrovia's nursery in Oregon is "teeming with row upon row of the 250 new cultivars we are trialing ... each a Dan Hinkley discovery."
So ... we all have something to look forward to, as Hinkley continues his travels abroad in search of exciting new cultivars.
In the new collection, there are four fuschias, an Abutilon that will tolerate frost, as well as Sichuan Jade Solomon's Seal (Disporopsis pernyi 'Sichuan Jade') that is winter-hardy with dark green leaves and white flowers on 15-inch arching shoots. (zone 7-9)
I LOVE the ground-cover Red-leafed Mukdenia (Mukdenia rosii 'Crimson Fans'), at left. Zones 4-9, it has fan-shaped leaves that emerge bright green and fade to crimson and white bell-shaped flowers in summer. It's a slow-growing clumper that will reach a height of around 12 inches. I planted another mukdenia in my own garden a couple of years ago, and it's definitely a winner.
Look for the following other plants in your local nursery this summer, or check the Monrovia website to find out where you can get them.
Fuchsia 'Hawkshead'
Fuchsia magellanica 'Windcliff Flurry'
Fuchsia excorticata 'Kiwi Sheen'
Abutilon x hybridum 'Cascade Dawn'
More on Monrovia-Hinkley partnership here.
Hinkley's own website here.
Great post! I will be sure to look out for these plants this year! We have a great plantsman here in North Carolina as well. His name is Tony Avent and he is with Plant Delights Nursery. Check out his website. I think you'll like it!
Posted by: Pam Kersting | February 13, 2009 at 08:24 PM