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This happens with some regularity on Austin's Garden Conservancy Open Days tour. Usually there is at least one garden, sometimes as many as three, where photos are not allowed. One time I was told it was a security consideration for one of the homeowners. I guess all those people trooping through were OK, but she didn't want anyone taking pics to remind them of the best way to break in later on? At any rate, I'm with you: when you tour, you want to take pictures to remind yourself of features you appreciated. It's very annoying to be told "no pictures" on a public tour.


I agree Jane - I worked at that unnamed garden last weekend, and thought it was a ridiculous policy. Yes, it was a nice garden, and I'm glad that I spent the morning there, but as far as industrial trade secrets lying about, I didn't see any. I would have taken some shots, especially of the alternating Mondo grass/flagstone paving areas, I liked them, and as they say, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.


I have definitely run into some pretentious gardeners , they seem to flock in groups. That leaves me plenty of nice, ordinary gardeners to still converse with ! Greta post ! Gina

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