Hanami Plate. Decorative plate, 10" diameter, design by 17th c. Japanese painter Ogata Korin. Beautiful gift for anyone who appreciates Asian arts.
Take your pick of the BBG Garden Guides ... every subject imaginable, from growing roses and vegetables to pruning, indoor gardening, bulbs, wildflower and woodland gardens. I have a collection of almost all of these guides, and they are dog-eared from reference use.
Any gardener who doesn't have some would certainly appreciate several, just for starters.
From Winterthur:
Why not a living vertical garden set that comes with a built-in watering system? Perfect for the person with a small garden, as this unit, just 16" x 20" high by 3" deep will fit on almost any wall, railing, or fence ... use your imagination.
What could be better than a folding bench that you can easily put in storage during cold and snowy months? Or a bench that can easily be moved around the garden.
This one is metal, with a bird motif.
From Longwood Gardens:
If you know someone who spends hours at the computer on garden sites, how about a Longwood screen saver with 35 rotating color images?
And from Hillwood Museum and Gardens in DC:
An ornament inspired by the Faberge Twelve Monogram Easter Egg. The museum, by the way, has a sizeable collection of Faberge, well worth a visit when you're in DC.