Selected Events Around the Country:
May 19-Oct 21, "The Artist in the Garden," Bronx, NY
Exhibition on Monet's Garden, NY Botanical Garden, 718-817-8700
May 2, May 5, Stone Wall Buildling Workshop, Boylston, MA
2nd: 6-9PM; 5th: 10AM-2PM, Workshop, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 508-869-6111
May 4, Intro to Rooftoop Urban Agriculture, NY, NY
8:30AM-noon, Workshop, Hort Society of NY, 212-757-0915
May 5, Garden Conservancy Open Days Garden Tours: ME, NY, TN, TX
ME: York County; NY: Dutchess County; TN: Knoxville; TX: Dallas
May 5-6 Mary Lou Heard Memorial Garden Tour, CA
10AM-5PM, self-guided, various locations, 50+ gardens 714-566-4800
May 5, Home & Garden Tour, Venice, CA
10AM-5PM, Guided WalkingTour, 52 homes & gardens, 310-821-1857
May 5, Georgetown Garden Tour, Washington DC
10AM-5PM, 84th annual tour, 8 gardens, 202-965-1950
May 6, Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour, CA
10AM-5PM, self guided, various locations, 30+ gardens 510-236-9558
May 6, Garden Conservancy Open Days Garden Tours: CA, IL, NY, PA
CA: Los Angeles; IL: Winnetka; NY: Mt. Kisco; PA: Swarthmore Area
May 9, Gardens that Heal, Glencoe, IL
9AM-5PM, Seminar, Chicago Botanic Garden, 847-835-5440
May 10, Small Space Container Gardens, NY, NY
6PM, Lecture, Hort Society of NY, 212-757-0915
May 10, Italian Villa Landscapes in US Design, Washington DC
6:30PM, Lecture by TCLF's Charles Birnbaum, Hillwood Museum & Gardens, 202-483-0553
May 11, 2012: National Public Gardens Day
Events throughout the country at your local gardens.
May 12, Contain Your Urban Enthusiasm Saturday, Bronx, NY
10AM-5PM, All-day class on container gardening, NY Botanical Garden, 718-817-8700
May 12, Conversation, Laurie Olin & Kieran/Timberlake, Philadelphia, PA
2PM, Penn Design, Meyerson Hall, 215-898-6591
May 12-13, Garden Conservancy Open Days Garden Tours: CT, NY
CT: Litchfield County; NY: Dutchess, Columbia, Suffolk, Putnam Counties.
May 15, Terrific Tree Pits, NY, NY
10AM-1PM, Workshop on designing urban tree pits, NY Botanical Garden Midtown Center, 718-817-8700
May 17, Hidden Gardens of Beacon Hill, Boston, MA
9AM-5PM, 83rd annual Self-guided garden tour (617) 227-4392
May 19, What's Out There Weekend, Washington DC
Special Tours of exceptional gardens & landscape sites, The Cultural Landscape Foundation, 202-483-0553
May 19, Vertical Gardening for Lg & Small Spaces, Silverton, OR
1PM, Lecture by designer & author Rebecca Sweet, The Oregon Garden, 503-874-8100
May 19-20, Garden Conservancy Open Days Garden Tours: CT, NJ, NY, IL
CT: Hartford, New Haven Counties; NJ: Bergen County; NY: Nassau, Ulster, Westchester, Suffolk Counties; IL: Chicago suburbs.
May 19-27 Rhododendron Festival, Sandwich, MA
10AM-4PM, various events, Heritage Museum & Gardens,508-888-3300
May 21, "A Private Oasis," NY, NY
6PM Lecture & book signing, landscape architect Edmund Hollander, Hort Society of NY, 212-757-0915
May 21, Design Day, Wrightstown, PA
10AM-3PM, Workshop, designer Renny Reynolds, Hortulus Farms, sponsor: Penn Hort 215-988-8869
May 22-26 Chelsea Flower Show, London
May 31, National Mall Design Winners, Washington DC
6:30-8PM, Panel of winners, National Building Museum, 202-272-2448
June 3, 23rd annual Garden Tour, Maryland
10AM-4PM, Hort Society of MD 410-821-5561
June/July: Garden Dialogues - various locations & dates in US
clients & landscape architects discuss their gardens on site 202-483-0553
July 4-10 Perennial Plant Symposium, Boston, MA