This is the rhododendron that's been growing at my house in New England since way before the mid-80's, when we purchased it.
It was neglected for many years, yet it soldiered on and year after year produced the typical massive blooms that are a true glory in this region every May or June.
SO ... imagine my horror:
The house painter last fall could not imagine that I'd mind if he trimmed back the plant to get at the chimney ... and I couldn't imagine that he'd do such a thing without first asking permission.
It breaks my heart every time I walk down the drive. And the lesson is, never assume anything, and tell every contractor who's working outside not to touch any of your plants unless they ask first.
This has happened to me with housepainters who butchered a mature maple at a client's house. The client called me sobbing. In that case, the contractor paid for 3 years worth of corrective measures and the tree is recovering. Yes, painters, masons, carpenters, etc. Don't assume just because you tell the owner that the crew will get the message. Tell them too. So sorry about your rhodie.
Posted by: Cheryl Corson | June 08, 2012 at 09:00 AM
I can't believe that. Did you pay him in full? I totally would have wanted to hold back some of his pay. How could he do that?! At least ASK!
Posted by: redbrickbuilding | June 07, 2012 at 05:30 PM