Selected Events Around the Country:
Thru April 14, Orchid Daze, Atlanta, GA"Surreal Beauty," Atlanta Botanical Garden, 404-876-5859
Thru April 21: Orchids of Latin America, Washington DC
Orchid Exhibition, National Museum of Natural History, 202-633-2220
Thru April 22: 11th Annual Orchid Show, Bronx, NY
NY Botanical Garden, 718-817-8700
April 3, Spotlight on Design: M. Paul Friedberg, FASLA, Washington DC
6:30-8PM, Lecture, Landscape architect M. Paul Friedberg, National Building Museum, 202-272-2448
April 6-7, Garden Dialogues: Phoenix, AZ
Special garden tours, The Cultural Landscape Foundation, 202-483-0553
April 6, 28, Garden Dialogues, Virginia
Special garden tours, The Cultural Landscape Foundation, 202-483-0553
April 11, Landscape Lectures, Boston, MA
7PM, Landscape Architect George Hargreaves, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 617-278-5156
April 13, 27, 28 Garden Dialogues: Southern California
Special Tours of Gardens by Top Designers, The Cultural Landscape Foundation, 202-483-0553
April 13, Northen Gardening Symposium, Randolph Center, VT
9AM-2PM, New England Wildflower Society, 508-877-7630
April 13-14 Garden Conservancy Open Days Tours: Raleigh, NC
Raleigh Area Gardens
April 13-15, Colonial Williamsburg 67th Garden Symposium, Williamsburg, VA
"More Than a Garden: Creative Ideas," 800-603-0948
April 14-21, 3rd Annual California Native Plant Week, CA
Lectures, garden tours, workshops, more, 916-447-2677
April 18, Global Gardening: Protecting 21st Century Plants, Chappaqua, NY
7:30PM, Chappaqua Public Library, The Garden Conservancy, 914-238-4779
April 19-21, Antiques & Garden Fair, Glencoe, IL
Annual Antiques Show, Chicago Botanic Garden, 847-835-5440
April 20, Fruit Growing Seminar, Stockbridge, MA
9:30AM-3:30PM, Berkshire Botanical Garden, 413-298-3926
April 20, Urban Homesteading Saturday, NYC
10AM-5PM, Workshop on Sustainable Living, NYBG Midtown Center, 800-322-NYBG
April 20, Garden Conservancy Open Days Tour, East Hampton, NY
April 20-21, Garden Dialogues, Washington DC
Special Garden Tours, THe Cultural Landscape Foundation, 202-483-0553
April 20-27, 80th Virginia Historic Garden Week, various VA locations
Gardens tours & events throughout Virginia 804-644-7776
April 23, Intro to Green Wall Design, NYC
6PM-8PM, Lecture, NYBG Midtown Center, 800-322-NYBG
April 26-28 Garden Sculpture & Antiques Fair, Bronx, NY
New York Botanical Garden, 718-817-8700
April 27-28, Garden Dialogues: Connecticut
Special Garden Tours, The Cultural Landscape Foundation, 202-483-0553
April 28, Garden Conservancy Open Days Tours: CA, IL, NY
Pasadena, CA; Chicago Area, IL; Lewisboro, NY
May 10, National Public Gardens Day
Various events around the country
May 21-25, Chelsea Flower Show, London, UK