Selected Events Around the Country:
Garden Dialogues - various locations and dates in U.S.
Landscape architects discuss their projects on site. The Cultural Landscape Foundation. 202-483-0553
Thru September 2: Composite Landscapes Exhibition, Boston MA
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
August 1-2, Wetlands Conservation, Framingham, MA
9AM-4PM, Two-day workshop, Garden in the Woods, 508-877-7630
August 2-4, APLD International Design Conference, Detroit, MI
"Growing Green, Flowing Blue, Pushing Through" 717-238-9870
August 8, The Tree That Time Forgot, Boothbay, ME
2PM, Lecture Botanist Sir Peter Crane, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, 207-633-4333
August 10, Garden Conservancy Open Days Tours: NY, VT
NY: Westchester County; VT: Bennington, Windham Counties
August 15, Stone Carving Workshop, Stockbridge, MA
10AM-5PM, Berkshire Botanical Garden, 413-298-3926
August 16-19 Gardenwriters Association Annual Symposium, Toronto, Canada
August 17-18, Garden Conservancy Open Days Tours: NY, WA
NY: Columbia, Dutchess, Putnam Counties; WA: Thurston County
August 22-24, Farwest Show, Portland, OR
Landscape Trade Show, Oregon Convention Center
August 23-24, Speaking of Gardening Symposium, Asheville, NC
8:30AM-4:30PM, North Carolina Arboretum, 828-665-2492
Sept 21-22 What's Out There Weekend Berkshires, MA
Special tours of significant landscape sites, The Cultural Landscape Foundation, 202-483-0553
October 18, Perennial Plant Conference, Swarthmore, PA
October 23-26, Cities Alive, San Francisco, CA
11th annual green roof & wall conference, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities 416-971-4494
Nov 15-18, ASLA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
"Gaining Ground," Lectures, Tours, Trade Show, More 866-229-3691