It looks kind of strange, but this new Gaucho Grill from Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet might just be the one you want.
I once lived in Buenos Aires for two years, and the Argentines are probably among the world's greatest grillers. (Grilled provolone, anyone, with a charred outside and a soft, spreadable interior?) Not to mention the chorizos, grass-fed beef -- need I say more?
You can use wood or charcoal in this grill, and there's no need for starter fuels. As the wood or charcoal burns, the debris falls through to a bin at the bottom that you simply empty from time to time. The wheel at the top raises and lowers cooking surface cradle for either searing or low-temperature grilling. And it includes a rotisserie, too, with a built-in motor.
Maybe not as cheap as a trip to Argentina, but you'll get many more meals out of it.