This year's Philadelphia Flower Show -- "Wonders of Water" -- is a testimonial to the important role it plays in our everyday lives and in our environment.
Visitors to this year's show enter under a canopy of hanging flowers backed by a 25-foot waterfall cascading into a pool below from five different tiers. A rain curtain takes guests over a "suspended" rope bridge, through a rainforest, and on to major displays by leading garden designers. Visitors will see landscapes inspired by tropical rain forests, native woodlands, deserts and forests. The show will also feature its annual competitions in horticultural displays, presentations, special events, and much more. One exhibit, "Windows on the Watershed," is dedicated to the Delaware River Watershed -- waterways small and large that flow through 14 thousand square miles of farmlands, cities, coastal plains, mountains, and wilderness areas, supporting myriad plants and animals.
At a news conference last month, PHS's chief of shows and events, Sam Lemheney, said this year's show includes "one of the largest collections of plants ever amassed" at the annual event. He added that the displays will "highlight ways that people can involve water in their own yards and gardens."
The show opens to the public on Saturday, March 3 at 11am and runs through Sunday March 11th until 6pm.