There are lots of reasons people hate or simply can't garden outdoors: too hot, too cold, apartment living, yards too small, physical incapacity.
If your landscape is one of those, then this is the book for you. Horticulturist and indoor plant expert Leslie Halleck, in Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers (Timber Press, 2018) explains all you need to know to grow almost anything indoors under lights.
From edible plants of almost kind, (including cannabis) to orchids, succulents, and ornamentals of almost any kind, Halleck will tell you what you need to be successful at indoor gardening. You might not have a basement with room for lots of lights, but almost anyone can find a windowsill, a shelf, a planter box or other space that would accommodate plants and overhead lights. And it doesn't have to be industrial-looking and unattractive.
Halleck shows you how to create perfect growing conditions, how to manage (if necessary) common pests and diseases, how to propagate plants and grow almost anything you want. A good book for the real homebody.
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