This is the newly-designed front yard garden of Cathy Carr, APLD, in Silver Spring, Maryland, which she graciously opened to members and other local designers earlier this summer.
The real focus is the backyard, where there's a lovely studio at the rear, a firepit where guests can stay warm on cooler evenings on the rustic patio.
Going back up toward the house, there's room for a spacious perennial garden (in more sun) and you'll note the Chinese palm, one of a number which Cathy brings into the garage to overwinter.
And please take note of this manufactured decking. At first glance, I thought it was a tropical hardwood, but it's Zuri, here in walnut finish. If you're an APLD designer & you're visiting DC, call Cathy & if she's home, perhaps you can arrange a visit ... well worth it.
And check out Cathy's website, Greenheart Garden Designs, with lots more photos of her backyard and her projects.