NOTE: Most gardens across the country are now open, most with timed entry tickets required, but since the uptick in covid cases, check with your local gardens. Many online classes are available, but the majority of in-person events have been cancelled for the remainder of the year. Let's hope that normal activities can resume some time in 2021. Check the website of your favorite garden for online classes and other events.
Nov 28-Dec 8, Annual Sale, Seibert & Rice, ONLINE
Terracotta Pottery, Hand-Made
Dec 3, Webinar with Dan HInkley , Garden Conservancy
2pm EST, Hinkley discusses his new book, "Windcliff."
Dec 3-4, Natural Landscape Design, MId-Atlantic, ONLINE
1-4:30pm EST, Workshop, NDAL & Morris Arboretum 510-518-0430
Dec 4, Ecological Plant Conference, ONLINE
8am-4pm EST, Ecological Landscape Alliance, 617-436-5838
Dec 9, Lecture, LA Alma Du Solier, Philadelphia, PA
7pm EST, Penn Design, 215-898-6591
Dec 10-11, Natural Landscape Design: New England, ONLINE
1-4:30pm EST, Workshop, NDAL, 510-518-0430
Dec 17, Webinar with Renny Reynolds, Garden Conservancy
2pm EST, Renny discusses his book "Chasing Eden," about Hortulus Farm
Thru Dec 27, Gardens Aglow, Sandwich, MA
Heritage Museum & Gardens, 508-888-3300
Thru Dec 30, Holiday at the Arboretum, Dallas, TX
Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Garden, 214-515-6615
Thru Dec 31, Las Noches de las Luminarias, Phoenix, AZ
Desert Botanical Garden, 480-941-1225
Thru Jan2 Garden Glow, St. Louis, MO
Missouri Botanical Garden 314-577-5100
Thru Jan 2, Gardens Aglow, Boothbay, Maine
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, 207-633-8000
Thru Jan3, Lightscape, Glencoe, IL
Chicago Botanic Garden, 847-835-5440
Thru Jan 9, NYBG Glow, Bronx, NY
NY Botanical Garden, 718-817-8700
Thru Jan 10, A Longwood Christmas, Kennett Square, PA
Longwood Gardens, 610-388-1000
Thru Jan 10, Gardenfest of Lights, Richmond, VA
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, 804-262-9887
Thru Jan 16, Garden Lights, Holiday Nights, Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Botanical Garden 404-876-5859
Jan 6-8 MANTS Trade Show, ONLINE