Beautiful gardens often take a lot of time and money, but they do not, according to British author Greg Loades. In his latest book, 30 Minute Gardener (Timber Press, 2023), Loades explains that just 30 minutes a day in the garden can connect you to nature, enrich your life, and inspire you, as he says, to "never see life the same way again."
Loudes explains how to spend your half-hour wisely, in every season, to bring forth the trees, shrubs, perennials and edibles that will give you most pleasure, whether you're gardening in pots on a balcony, in a small garden or a larger one. The text is accompanied by beautiful photos that explain how to master almost any garden task, and lists of appropriate plants for appropriate seasons and places -- along with gardening tips -- are sprinkled throughout the book.
If you've ever thought you just don't have time to create a wondrous space filled with beautiful plants, this book will show you the way.
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