Here are the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's 2024 Gold Medal Plants. These are considered exceptional plants for mid-Atlantic gardens, although they'll grow just fine in many other locations.
Sugar Shack® Buttonbush
(Cephalanthus occidentalis "SMCOSS')
Unlike the usual buttonbush, this cultivar is much smaller and has a compact habit, so it's great for smaller gardens. It has fragrant, globe-shaped flowers in spring, and bright green, glossy foliage that turns burgundy in fall -- and that's followed by bright red fruits.
Approximate size is 48-60 inches high with a similar width. It's often used in rain gardens and prefers moist to wet soils in full sun to part shade. It also attracts a variety of pollinators and is hardy in Zones 4-8. So what's not to like about this plant!
Magnolia 'Genie'
If you've always wanted a flowering magnolia but didn't have room for one, this tree is the one for you. At just 10-13 feet high and five feet wide, it would be perfect as a front yard specimen or tucked into a border anywhere else in the garden. It has deep red to purple scented flowers that repeat bloom through the growing season, it's resistant to diseases and pests, and it's tolerant to both heat and cold. An additional attribute is that it can be grown in an extra-large container, so it would easily grace a front porch,l a deck or patio. Bred by New Zealand plantsman Vance Hooper from cultivars of M. soulangeana and M. lilliflora. Hardy in Zones 5-8.
Illicium 'Woodland Ruby'
(Florida Anise Tree)
City dwellers in Zones 6-9 might want to consider this native evergreen, which has deep red strap-like flowers that bloom from early summer through autumn. It has to be protected from winter winds and favors some shade, but it will tolerate more sun if it's in a moist location. It's fragrant, deer resistant, and attracts pollinators, with a mature height of 6-7 feet and a width of about five feet. It does very well in urban gardens where space and light can be issues. Great for a screen or backdrop.
Also on the gold medal list this year:
Asparagus officinalis 'Millenium'
Hardy in Zones 3-10. Disease, deer, and drought resistant.
Japanese roof iris (Iris tectorum)
Showy blue flowers at a height of 12-18 inches. It's deer resistant in Zones 6-9, and can spread rapidly in the garden.
'Brandywine' foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia)
Bold white flowers in spring, bronzy foliage in fall. 8-18 inches tall, hardy in Zones 4-8.